Special Event Support
Available Services
Special Events Support assists with the following services:
- Reserving event space on campus – Danforth Chapel, outdoor space (Oval, Monfort Quad, Sherwood Forest, etc.), and indoor or outdoor sports facilities.
- Equipment rental from Facilities for university events – tables, chairs, trash and recycle containers.
- Equipment rental from Event Rental for all events – tables, chairs, tents, bike racks, barriers, bike valet, locker trailer, etc. https://eventrental.colostate.edu
- Event support services – Utility locates (for tents or fencing), sprinkler adjustments, road closures, setup/teardown/cleanup services, electrical hookups.
- Event-related information, policies, and guidelines regarding – serving alcohol, student organization fundraisers, liability insurance, posting flyers, parking and safety.
A two-week advance notice of events is required to provide the best possible service for the event. Less than two-week notice may cause delayed or incomplete service.
Special Events
Activities that are not academically-oriented that occur either on campus grounds or in academic buildings are considered special and must be coordinated through the Facilities Event Support Coordinator. This office is responsible for evaluating each request, determining the various entities that will be affected by the activity, and getting feedback and/or approval from each one, interpreting agency policy and procedures for requestors, approving requests, and following up on each activity. The primary objective is to help requestors have a successful event that is safe for participants and protects University property.
Contact Information
For any questions related to special events, please contact:
Links & Forms
University or CSU Department sponsored events please click here to make your requests.
Student Organizations or Non-CSU organizations please click here to make your request.