FM Engagement & Recognition Committee and SPARK Recognition Program
The Facilities Management Engagement & Recognition Committee developed SPARK, a program for recognition and appreciation of Facilities Management employees. This program is designed to recognize employees who uphold and demonstrate the core values that define Facilities Management.
FM Facilities Focus Newsletter Committee
The Facilities Management Facilities Focus Newsletter Committee is the quarterly newsletter that covers information and resources available for FM Staff. The FM staff are the contributors and has been being published since 1983! If you are interested in joining the committee or have an idea for an article, please reach out to the committee at
The Facilities Management Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Team (JEDI Team) was founded in fall 2018 with the goal of working on inclusion and diversity efforts to help our department meet the diversity plan set forth by the Division of University Operations. The JEDI Team actively advocates for and works on getting information to Facilities Management (FM) employees about trainings and resources related to these topics, and following up on other inclusion needs specific to our department. We act as a support for the department in facilitation of the Principles of Community; other related topics such as diversity in the search process; and engage in efforts to increase our community’s awareness with the aim of fostering a sense of belonging and understanding. In January 2021, the JEDI Team updated their name from the FM Diversity Team to better encompass the charge of the group and to align with the CSU Principles of Community. For further information please visit the JEDI Team Webpage.
FM Process Committee
The FM Process Committee has been assembled to examine all business processes and procedures in the Facilities Management departments of Colorado State University. The team examines various FM section daily activities, maps them to a process diagram and assists department SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) with developing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). The Process Committees’ goal is to create a Process Library with all developed process diagrams and SOPs for FM guidance and reference, then work to improve existing processes via efficiencies in costs and time.
Chair: Michael Dobbins
Co-Chair: We need members!
FM Design Review Committee
The Facilities Management Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews new and existing exterior conditions including structures, signage, modifications, and site developments primarily within the Fort Collins area, including but not limited to Main, South, Foothills, and ARDEC Campuses. For further information please visit the DRC Webpage.
Master Plan Committee
The purpose of the Master Plan Committee is to review and provide input to the overall physical planning effort. The committee sees updates of Master Planning efforts for all facets (parking, transportation, storm water management, new buildings, etc.) of the overall Campus Master Plan, which is submitted to the Colorado Commission of Higher Education (CCHE) on a 10 year cycle. The committee evaluates and recommends capital construction requests from University Advancement, Council of Deans, and other sources. The internal Facilities Management Design Review Committee will provide informational updates to the Master Plan Committee. For further information please visit the MPC Webpage.
Physical Development Committee
The Physical Development Committee (PDC) is a representative body of the University. The committee, in conjunction with the Associate Vice President of Facilities Management, acts as an advisory body to the University through the Vice President of University Operations. The committee is primarily tactical in perspective, concerned with the physical environment of Colorado State University’s campuses, where function, aesthetic quality, and physical character intermix to create a desirable and inspirational atmosphere for students and employees. For further information please visit the PDC Webpage.
Space Committee
Space and land are a limited University resource and, consequently, it must be managed responsibly and in a way that promotes the advancement of the University’s mission and the strategic priorities of the campus. Flexibility needs to be maintained in order to address changes in function, curricula, programs and technologies. Accordingly, the Space Committee has established a comprehensive process for assignment and reallocation of space to achieve best utilization and respond to current and emerging needs. For further information please visit the Space Committee Webpage.
University Public Art Committee
University Public Art Committee (UPAC) works to assure that all works of public art placed on campus reflect the university’s commitment to excellence, while also evaluating appropriate long‐ or short‐term care for these works. By actively expanding the collection and display of public art throughout the campus, the university endeavors to create a physical and aesthetic environment that captures CSU’s rich heritage, diversity, and enduring pursuit of knowledge. Explore the diverse artwork that CSU has in its public art collection or view it on the CSU interactive map. For further information please visit the UPAC Webpage.
Campus Arboretum Committee
The Campus Arboretum Committee partners to ensure CSU is a good steward of our campus arboretum trees. The committee includes representatives from Facilities Management, the Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, CSU Extension, Plant Select, and the City of Fort Collins Department of Forestry. The committee facilitates CSU’s ArbNet Level III status, Tree Campus Higher Education certification and Arbor Day event, among other items. For further information please visit the CSU Arboretum webpage.
Pollinator Friendly Campus Committee
The Pollinator Friendly Campus Committee promotes best practices for creating pollinator-friendly spaces on campus. One such effort has been the installation and maintenance of pollinator gardens. Considering the critical role pollinators play in our surrounding ecosystem, CSU has made a commitment to make our campus more welcoming to these essential creatures by becoming Bee Campus USA certified. For further information please visit the Pollinator Friendly Campus webpage.