Facilities Management Progress Report in white letters against green background

Progress Report – FM

The Progress Report (en español – Informe de Progreso de FM) shares recent projects and accomplishments.

Glass of water.

Drinking Water

The Consumer Confidence Report  on your drinking water is available.

IWMS Training

Welcome to the training page for AiM. As we get more training videos and documentation.

Diagram that shows how the GeoX thermal system works. In summer, heat from the heating and cooling (HVAC) system in Moby is sent to the well-field where it transfers that heat to the ground, returning cooler temps to Moby. In winter, heat is transferred from the ground to the liquid in the well-field pipes and returned to Moby.

GeoExchange System

CSU has a strong commitment to energy efficiency and is headed in the direction of being a net-zero carbon emitter.